Relaxation | Rohini Ross - Part 2

He Said, She Said: Letting Go and Getting Reflective Beats Freaking Out

Angus and I are spending a few days in a northern paradise while we attend the 3P school. I love what Angus shares about how as soon as he stopped focusing on his upset and got more reflective, his mind relaxed, and he got the information he needed. I can certainly relate! When I get caught up in my thoughts of stress and worry it is such a relief to be able to unglue myself and drop into my natural state. I was really moved by his experience of connecting more deeply with his true nature and knowing the intelligence...

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Under Pressure: Until We See How We Make The Pressure Up

I wrote in a Facebook comment for Angus' and my Vlog that perhaps we should stop calling what we do transformational coaching and call it "just be yourself coaching".  In response, a friend sent me a text saying, "You aren't coaches. You are modeling humanity and human-ness." This struck a chord within me. Angus and I do help people to experience greater levels of success both personally and professionally by helping them to embrace their humanness. As a by-product of this, they have a deeper connection with their true nature. This takes the pressure off of them so they can...

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Relax! Your Personality is Just a Thin Slice of Who You Are

It is such an easy trap to fall into, thinking our upset comes from outside of us. I have done it and still do it at times. It is easy to buy into the illusion that we feel our circumstances and not our thinking. Our emotions flood our experience so quickly it is hard to see the role thought plays in creating our reality.   Just this week I got really flustered when a video conference link wasn't working. I couldn't get into the meeting room to join the group I was supposed to be facilitating. When it was happening, it felt...

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Letting Go Allows Wisdom to Do the Heavy Lifting

One of my client's told me recently he was too afraid to let go. He couldn't trust that Mind, Spirit, God, Universal Intelligence, Love, whatever label you want to use, would have his back. He believed he had to confront the challenges he was experiencing through his own brute force and willpower. In his certainty and fear, there was no room to receive inspiration and fresh thought. His behavior made sense based on his understanding there was nothing greater than himself. He believed letting go of the fight and struggle would ultimately result in catastrophe.   My experience tells me the opposite...

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Peace of Mind Is Only Ever One Thought Away

I read a blog by Tim Ferriss this past week in which he talks about the importance of “deloading.” For him this means having extended periods of being unplugged and taking his foot off the gas. I too am a believer in the rejuvenating benefits of scheduling downtime for doing nothing. In my experience, there is a point when working hard starts to produce diminishing returns unless I recharge. However, this is not meant as a prescriptive technique to use for optimum performance.   It is easy to think that there are specific techniques that if we were simply able to identify...

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