Performance | Rohini Ross - Part 4

There is No Solid You — You Are Infinite Potential

I was in a discussion group this week and writer's block was mentioned. It never occurred to me that I could get writer's block. Then as soon as I started thinking about it, I started to worry about it happening to me. It was the equivalent of medical student's disease. This happens when medical students experience the symptoms of the disease they are studying. I started to bring the experience of writer's block into fruition just by thinking about it.   It was interesting to watch me bring something I had never considered before into my experience and make it feel real simply by thinking...

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Under Pressure: Until We See How We Make The Pressure Up

I wrote in a Facebook comment for Angus' and my Vlog that perhaps we should stop calling what we do transformational coaching and call it "just be yourself coaching".  In response, a friend sent me a text saying, "You aren't coaches. You are modeling humanity and human-ness." This struck a chord within me. Angus and I do help people to experience greater levels of success both personally and professionally by helping them to embrace their humanness. As a by-product of this, they have a deeper connection with their true nature. This takes the pressure off of them so they can...

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Waking Up to Our True Nature Is the Solution

I used to think my spiritual awakening needed me to work on myself. I thought if I did enough spiritual practices or personal growth work that I would arrive somewhere. I thought I could speed up the process, and feared I would miss the boat if I was a slacker. Then at a completely unexpected time, I experienced perfection in the moment. I felt the peace and bliss I had been looking for all along.   What surprised me was that nothing had changed. I had not changed. All of the things I thought I needed to get rid of were all...

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Success is the By-Product of a Clear State of Mind

Barbara Patterson and I are launching our second Mastermind this week. We will be exploring with the group how to take their businesses to the next level in a way that is aligned with their Authentic Selves, and naturally fun and inspiring. One of the themes that emerged from the enrollment conversations I had for the group was an inquiry into what success really is. What was clear for many of the people I spoke to is that success involves being able to enjoy life and to have the spaciousness and freedom to do projects and activities they want to. No...

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Let’s Stop Working On Ourselves!

I have been noticing a theme with my clients across the board from the work I do with leaders, to teams, to individual clients. There is a focus on there being something wrong with them, and a pervasive idea that they would feel better and perform better once it is fixed. Their "it" could be insecurity, worry, lack of motivation, feelings of overwhelm -- fill in the blank. However, instead of diving into what they see as the problem, I help them recognize that whatever the experience is that they want to get rid of, it is not the problem. The problem...

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Take Your Eyes Off The Scoreboard and Live Your Life!

I was at a training recently and basketball coach John Wooden, famous for winning ten NCAA National championships for UCLA in a 12-year period, was mentioned. The anecdote shared was that while coaching his team at half-time, a rookie player piped up and said, "We are x number of points up. We are doing okay!" John Wooden told him to forget about the scoreboard and focus on playing the game to the best of his abilities.   I recognized how pertinent this advice is for life. It is so easy to get caught up in measuring how we are doing and to...

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Optimal Performance Doesn’t Require Perfection

I have been writing my blog for over a year, and this is the first time I haven't been sure what to write about. Normally something stands out during the week, and I make a mental note to write about it. This week my brain has been foggy. When I reflected on this, I realized my mood has been lower than usual. I think this may be related to the Ketogenic diet I started last Sunday.   I began the diet because I have put on about twenty pounds over the past year. This is very unusual for me and seems to...

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Understanding Is More Important Than Motivation When It Comes to Performance

It is surprising what isn’t needed for peak performance. Motivation, positive thinking, a good emotional state are not required to perform our best. This is clearly illustrated when the professional athletes I work with tell me they have played some of their best games when they were injured, sick, or in a bad mood. This also applies to performance in general. It is easy for us to get caught up investing energy into trying to manage and improve variables that have nothing to do with results.   Managing our thinking so we stay positive is often thought to be worthy of devoting...

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The Secret Behind Optimal Performance That Doesn’t Require Effort

The traditional focus for improving performance whether it is individual or organizational, is to work on improving motivation, ability and behavior. The premise is, that the most important variables for success are knowledge, skills and effort. From this perspective, all that is needed to get better results is to work harder, learn new and better skills, and be vigilant with self-discipline. This may produce incremental increases in results, but what happens when we reach the limit of how hard we can work, how self-disciplined we can be, and how skilled we can become? Does that mean performance has to stagnate?...

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Love Grows the Bottom Line

I am getting more opportunities to provide coaching and trainings for corporations. This makes me reflect fondly on how I was first exposed to running and growing a business and developing employees. Like most things in my life it was a sink or swim approach to learning. There were three of us. All therapists with no formal business training between us. We took over the leadership of a small behavioural health company with locations across the country. The company was in crisis and at the brink of bankruptcy. There was overwhelming debt from the previous leadership team investing in the...

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