3 Principles | Rohini Ross - Part 9

He Said, She Said: Eliminating Relationship Baggage

Angus recalls the time I barricaded him out of our apartment, and then my therapist told me I had abandonment issues. Angus thought he brought his own baggage to our relationship as well. We both accepted these limitations as part of who we were and resigned ourselves to a challenging relationship because of them.   We are both so grateful to the understanding of the principles that helps us see that we don't have issues. All we have is thought in the moment that temporarily gets in the way of us experiencing peace of mind and our true loving nature. It was...

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Less Angst, More Freedom

I have just finished the Pransky & Associates Professional training and feel filled up with beautiful feelings. I am struck by how profound and transformative the experience was. It is so freeing to see even more clearly that humans have no issues to resolve.   In a spiritual understanding of the human experience, the innate wisdom and intelligence behind life is always there to inform and guide us. We all have access to this source, and we have everything we need inside of ourselves to navigate our life circumstances. The qualities of our true self, including wisdom, humor, love, compassion, and empathy...

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Would You Rather Be Happy or Would You Rather Be Free?

You have probably heard the expression, "Would your rather be right or would you rather be happy?" It is a helpful reminder that holding on rigidly to a position creates suffering. However, during this weekend while teaching a workshop, with Dicken Bettinger and Barb Patterson, a different version occurred to me. It was, "Would you rather be happy, or would you rather free?"   For most of my life I focused on happiness and how to get more of it. This created pressure inside of me to not feel certain emotions. I didn't realize my attachment and desire to feeling happy was...

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Laughter, Tears and Gratitude: Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all

Bella came to us through serendipity. Our family, consisting of Angus, our two daughters of nine and six, and myself, had discussed getting a dog, but I had two requirements. I wanted a hypoallergenic dog, and I wanted a rescue dog. With these requirements in place, getting a dog seemed near impossible. Or so I thought.   I will never cease to be amazed at the power of intention for setting things in motion to show up in life. I remember one time when Angus got behind in his photographic business expenses, and he had a seventeen thousand dollar bill to pay...

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Perspective Clears the Mind and Opens the Heart

My husband, Angus, and I are on our way back from the Pransky and Associates Working With Couples Training. It was a wonderful experience. I have greater compassion for myself and a deeper trust in the kindness of the innate intelligence guiding me to make the best choices I can based on my understanding in the moment.   I am more clear that any chronic and persistent feelings of shame and guilt I experience are the result of distorted thoughts that get in the way of my ability to have an open mind. As George Pransky said, they are noise in the system, and...

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Love is Our Superpower

Resilience is often seen as getting tougher. There is a whole field of mental toughness training and focus on effort and hard work to accomplish achievement. I have just spent the weekend immersed in the Three Principles and the implications of this understanding on resilience. Rather than feeling toughened up, I feel softer. My heart feels more open. I feel less reserved and freer to be myself. I have a deeper knowing that my true strength and power do not come from my personal effort, but rather from opening up to something greater than myself. I feel more deeply the...

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Free Webinar: The Three Principles and Relationships

Join Angus and I for this webinar where we will share the impact the understanding of the Three Principles has had on our relationship, and how it can help you have greater intimacy, less conflict, and fall in love even more in yours. Or if you are single, and want to be in relationship, we will explore how this understanding can support being more engaged and open to being in an intimate, loving relationship.   Time: Oct 30, 2017 7:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)   Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/210575506   Or iPhone one-tap : US: +16699006833,,210575506# or +14086380968,,210575506# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher...

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How is a Spiritual Understanding Helpful When You Feel Overwhelmed?

I have been navigating some turbulent times. Difficult things are happening around me, an unexpected death, bad news for a friend related to a serious health diagnosis. Wonderful things are happening too, a new corporate client, the successful launch of The Engaged Space experiment with Barb Patterson. I am also being called to stretch beyond my comfort zone and present as an expert witness in a deposition. It feels like a lot.   I know my internal experience comes from inside of me.  I understand that my feeling state is created from my own thoughts in each moment and is not a result...

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Sacrificing Special for the Freedom of Ordinary

I grew up thinking I was special. Perhaps this is common for only children growing up in an environment that requires no sharing and has no competition, but special became a label I felt I needed to live into. I used the weight of my belief to drive me in school to be the best. I hung onto the label of special feeling that I could earn my feelings of worth by wrapping myself up in it. Academic awards and scholarships helped me to keep the illusion alive. It then took a new form when I was modeling and found...

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How are You Going to Share Your Magnificence in the World?

I had the blessing and pleasure of teaching with two amazing women this weekend -- Barb Patterson and Elsie Spittle. Barb Patterson and I often teach together on our Mastermind for Solopreneurs, and we will be doing the experiment of The Engaged Space together starting next week, but this is the first time we are teaching together in person. Elsie Spittle is one of the first teachers of the Three Principles, and she knew Sydney Banks, the man who uncovered the principles, before he had his enlightenment experience. It is such an honor to be in this conversation with her.   As I...

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