Blog Archives | Rohini Ross - Part 24

Blog Archives

You Don’t Have To Be Afraid of Your Negative Thinking

There is a well known Henry Ford quote, “Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.” This statement tends to lead people in the direction of positive thinking and create superstition about negative thoughts. I speak with people who work very hard at trying to maintain their positive thinking. It can take a lot of time and effort. I used to be one of those people. I spent lots of time trying to manage and fix my thinking and it never ultimately worked. I was never able to banish my negative thought. This led me to feel...

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Embracing the Unknown

Angus lets go and allows himself to stretch into the unknown in "Owl Pose." Even though he is complaining about being manhandled and he sounds like he is reenacting that famous scene from the exorcist, I love that he is feeling inspired to embrace the unknown not just physically, but in life in general. I can certainly relate to creating more work for myself by worrying or trying to figure things out rather than simply being with what is and allowing life to reveal itself to me. Seeing that extra effort is not required leaves room for freshness and ease...

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Ready To Let Go Of The Struggle Of Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions?

The New Year arrives and creates a natural opening to get reflective and many people use this time to think about upleveling their lives and improving themselves. As part of this process, many make New Year’s resolutions. This has been going on for thousands of years since the Babylonians made promises to their gods at their New Year to pay debts and return borrowed items in order to earn good favor.   There is nothing wrong with having goals and looking toward growth and change, but according to various studies, 80 to 92% of New Year's resolutions fail. This is common...

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Happy 2019!

Angus and I tried out Bikram Yoga. Angus felt worse than I did afterward, but I was actually the one that suffered most later in the day. Putting it down to a cleansing crisis. We intend to tap into our resilience and keep going! Sending everyone love and wishing you a very Happy New Year! ?   Rohini and Angus are both coaches. They work with individuals, leaders, and organizations to increase performance and success. They also love working with couples and helping them to reduce conflict and discord so they can experience more love and harmony in their relationships. They co-facilitate...

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The Ordinariness of Happiness and Peace of Mind!

Wishing you a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year filled with love! May you remember that you are enough exactly as you are and that peace and contentment are your true nature. They are your birthright. There is nothing extra you need to do to experience the essence of who you are. Knowing what direction to look in and letting go, relaxing, allowing and being open is all it takes. You can’t work at it.   I’m looking forward to the upcoming New Year Fresh Start Workshop that Barb Patterson and I are co-facilitating this weekend in Santa Monica! We have a...

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Wishing You A Heart Filled With Gratitude!

Wishing you a Happy Holiday Season, and a Happy Christmas Eve for those who are celebrating!   I am having a quiet time over the winter break. It has been a very full year. I am very grateful for all that has unfolded. I am also reminded, however, of how I can overdo it. I am much better than I used to be in this regard, but when my back went out last week I got a not so gentle reminder to rest.   It is my intention to rest over the break. To have a quiet stay-cation and get cozy with Angus. Our...

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Bah Humbug Feelings Are Normal

It is starting to feel like the holiday season in my home. Our eldest daughter just got home from college. My husband Angus and our youngest daughter found and put up our Christmas tree. The laser lights are sparkling outside. Angus’ birthday is just around the corner. There is a festive air, but the holidays can be difficult for people too. There are often high expectations for joy and connection that don’t get met. I have talked to some people who say they feel lonelier this time of year and others who feel the loss of loved ones more poignantly.   Whatever...

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An Affair and Extramarital Attractions

Angus was not too pleased about me airing our dirty laundry in my blog this week. An affair and extramarital attractions are definitely a tricky topic. But I wanted to share what I have learned in case it helps others. My feelings and resulting behaviors were symptoms of my internal distress and not our relationship. At the time, it genuinely looked to me like Angus was the source of my suffering and so it made sense for me to think I would be happier with someone else. I didn't realize I was looking for the solution where it could never be found....

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My Most Shameful Experience Pointed Me Toward Freedom

As preparation for the Soul-Centered Series free webinar with Jack Pransky, I read his latest book Seduced by Consciousness. I really enjoyed the first book I read of his, Somebody Should Have Told Us and was not disappointed with this one. In the book, Jack shares his insights into relationships. And it reminded me of a very painful learning curve I experienced in my marriage.   In the early days of being married to Angus, I would occasionally find myself attracted to another man. It would never be intentional. It would just happen and then it would pass. I would get over...

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Angus’ Fiery Moments

Angus was doing a good job of keeping his cool and not jumping onboard the train of his low mood thinking. That was until he got played by his teenage daughter and criticized by me. Then everything went south, but only for about 5 minutes. And then you get to hear his firework story. I still don't know who he had to speak to that day. But the good news is we are both on the learning curve on not taking our thinking too seriously, and when we do, our bounce back is getting so much quicker. It is amazing...

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